#!/bin/bash # This^^ command sets bash, in the '/bin' directory, as the default shell for executing commands in this file. Check bash location with: $ which bash . /YOUR-PATH-TO-TOOL/qc-env/bin/activate # Schema definitions: ROUND='ISIMIP2b' DATATYPE='OutputData' SECTOR=‘water_global’ # Define working directories: UNCHECKED_DIR=/YOUR-PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED-FILES CHECKED_DIR=/YOUR-PATH/TO/PROCESSED-FILES LOG_DIR=/YOUR-PATH/TO/LOG-FILES echo $UNCHECKED_DIR echo $CHECKED_DIR echo $LOG_DIR # Uncomment to only show the working directories: #exit # Create working directories if needed: [ ! -d $CHECKED_DIR ] && mkdir -p $CHECKED_DIR [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ] && mkdir -p $LOG_DIR # Additional definitions for options CHECKONE=check_time_dimension # check_variable PROTOCOL_LOC=/YOUR-PATH/qc-env/isimip-protocol-2 VARNAME=csoil # Command line: isimip-qc $ROUND/$DATATYPE/$SECTOR/ \ -f \ --include $VARNAME \ --log-level=INFO \ --log-path=$LOG_DIR \ --unchecked-path=$UNCHECKED_DIR \ --checked-path=$CHECKED_DIR \ # Other options: # --check $CHECKONE # --protocol-location=$PROTOCOL_LOC \ # --skip-time-span-check \ # --fix --move # --copy # --fix --fix-datamodel=cdo —copy # --minmax # NOTE: the ‘—fix-datamodel=cdo’ option also fixes warnings on data model found using NCCOPY or CDO (this can be slow). # NOTE: I store this script as an executable ‘*.sh’ file (-rwxr-xr-x) at ‘/YOUR-PATH-TO-TOOL/qc-env/’