Input data set: Soil data (hwsd_soil_data_all_land, hwsd_soil_data_on_cropland)

Protocol relation: Protocol
Data Type: Other
Simulation rounds: ISIMIP3b, ISIMIP3a

Upscaled map of soil textures, provided by the AgMIP project for ISIMIP3. It gives the properties of a grid cell's dominant soil texture as well the properties of the soil predominantly occurring on crop lands.


GGCMI Phase 3 soil input data set for usage in ISIMIP/GGCMI Phase 3 simulations, data aggregated by dominant soil profile (MU_GLOBAL) within dominant soil texture class from HWSD on all land and on current cropland (MIRCA2000 at 5 arc-minutes).

Newer data set, provided by C. Müller of the "Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison" Phase 3 project ( It updates the data set foundation to HSWD 1.2 (Nachtergaele et al. 2012) and provides, besides an extensive description in ggcmi_phase3_soil_input.pdf, two data files: and

Both files give the properties USDA soil texture class dominant HWSD on cropland ("texture_class"), dominant HWSD soil mapping unit within dominant USDA soil texture class on cropland ("mu_global"), topsoil pH("H2O") ("soil_ph"), topsoil calcium carbonate ("soil_caco3"), topsoil bulk density ("bulk_density"), topsoil cation exchange capacity ("soil") ("cec_soil"), topsoil organic carbon ("oc"), depth of obstacles to roots ("esdb") ("root_obstacles"), depth of impermeable layer ("esdb") ("impermeable_layer"), available water content ("awc"), topsoil sand fraction ("sand"), topsoil silt fraction ("silt"), topsoil clay fraction ("clay"), topsoil gravel content ("gravel"), topsoil salinity ("ece"), topsoil base saturation ("bs_soil") and a flag for valid soils ("issoil").

One file,, gives the properties of the dominant soil type within a grid cell and is therefore suitable for all sectors. The other file provides the soil type predominantly occurring in a grid cell's cropland and therefore should be used by modellers investigating crop growth in the agriculture sector.

Data source

This data set is derived from:

Freddy Nachtergaele, Harrij van Velthuizen, Luc Verelst (2009): Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). Version 1.1. →

Freddy Nachtergaele, Harrij van Velthuizen, Luc Verelst, David Wiberg (2012): Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD). Version 1.2. →

Sujan Koirala (2013): Soil Texture Map, retrieved 4/29/2021 →

Stefan Lange, Matthias Büchner (2020): ISIMIP3 land-sea masks. ISIMIP Repository.

Portmann, F. T., Siebert, S., and Döll, P. (2010), MIRCA2000—Global monthly irrigated and rainfed crop areas around the year 2000: A new high‐resolution data set for agricultural and hydrological modeling, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 24, GB1011.

Download Instructions

For ISIMIP participants, these files are available for download at DKRZ using these paths:
- /work/bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP3a/InputData/geo_conditions/soil
- /work/bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP3b/InputData/geo_conditions/soil

For external users, these data are available on the ISIMIP repository following the link below

Data link
The data can be downloaded from the ISIMIP Repository:
For more information and how to cite this dataset, please follow the DOI: