In the course of the cross-sectoral ISIMIP and PROCLIAS online workshop ISIMIP prizes have been awarded for outstanding contributions and efforts. Awards for the heaviest model, fastest ISIMIP3 data uploads, excellent guest editing, meeting the AR6 deadline with ISIMIP3-based simulations, and reflecting the highest peaks in ISIMIP data by developing high-resolution climate forcing data.
Specifically, the prizes have been awarded to:
- Wim Thiery and Sonia Seneviratne from the Lake sector for hosting CLM4.5 as the Heaviest Model in ISIMIP2b with the most amount of simulation data uploaded (6 TB), as well as the most publication dates (26)
- Tobias Stacke for being first to upload ISIMIP3a data, from the global water model HydroPy
- Jerome Guiet, Daniele Bianchi, Eric Galbraith from the Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems sector for being first to upload ISIMIP3b data, from the BOATS model
- Valentina Krysanova and Fred Hattermann for organizing a number of Special Issues in the Water regional sector
- The Maillot vert has been awarded to Jonas Jägermeyr and Sam Rabin from the Agriculture sector for meeting the AR6 deadline with their ISIMIP3-based paper: "Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models".
- The Maillot à pois rouges has been awarded to Dirk Karger for his efforts to develop high-resolution climate forcing data that particularly account for better representation of areas with high elevations.