Research Positions Announcement
We are seeking outstanding candidates for 1 post-docs in the area of water research and ecological restoration. The successful candidates will be working as core members in Prof. Junguo Liu’s team at the Southern University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech). Specially, the candidate will assist Prof. Liu to prepare the 6th Assessment Report of IPCC (WGII, Chapter “Water”), and work on ongoing projects including the ISI-MIP project on water.Applicants should meet the following criteria:
(1) A Ph.D. degree awarded in hydrology and water resources, ecology, environmental science, remote sensing, computer science, economy or relevant fields
(2) A proven track record of high-quality scientific publications
(3) Promising potential as an independent researcher
(4) Excellent communication and writing skills in EnglishSUSTC offers a generous salary and benefit packages, including:
(1) An annual salary of no less than 220,000 RMB (>34,600 US$/yr)(2) Excellent candidates can apply for Shenzhen subsidy with a total of >1.6 million RMB (~252,000 US$) in 5 years;
(3) Upon completion of the position, those who have performed exceptionally will be encouraged to apply for tenure-track faculty positions at SUSTech.
Prof. Junguo Liu; Email:
Dr. Junguo Liu is a professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology
of China (SUSTech). His main research interests include hydrology and water
resources, ecosystem services and management, coupled ecological and social
systems, and water-food-energy nexus. Prof. Liu is author of about 130 papers,
including articles in Science, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability,
Nature Communications, and PNAS. He serves as an editor of the Journal of Water
and Climate Change. He is a Lead Author of IPCC Assessment Report, and one
target leader of the Decade Program 2013-2022 of the International Association of
Hydrologic Sciences (IAHS). He is also the president of the Society for Ecological
Restoration in Beijing, and the Chair of the Union of Societies for Ecological
Restoration and Environmental Protection of Beijing. He has research experience
in China, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S.,
among others. More information about Prof. Junguo Liu please refer to
SUSTech was founded in 2011 in the southern city of Shenzhen, the epicenter of
China’s economic miracle and ingenuity over the past 35 years. Situated on a tranquil
and picturesque campus of rolling hills and wandering creeks, SUSTech is widely
known as a pioneer for higher education reform and innovation in China. With an
outstanding faculty trained globally, SUSTech is making great strides toward its goal
of building a world-class institution of higher education and cutting-edge research
with broad societal impacts. The successful candidates will have great opportunities
to contribute to the advancement of science in an increasingly global economy