You can now register for the next cross-sectoral ISIMIP workshop. The workshop will be held in Paris, France from 4 to 7 June. The workshop will be jointly organized by the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) and the ISIMIP team at PIK.
After the small, topic-centered workshops in 2018, we are once again bringing together ISIMIP modellers from all sectors, members of the scientific advisory board, the ISIpedia team as well as ISIpedia stakeholders.
At the workshop, we will be able to exchange ideas, discuss recent as well as planned future work and further specify the needs for the next simulation round ISIMIP3. On the last day, we will be joined by the climate modellers from the CRESCENDO project for discussions on the climate forcing data to be used in ISIMIP.
For further information, please have a look at the the workshop website at There, you can find the calls for abstracts and a preliminary agenda which will be filled with more information in the next weeks.
The deadline for registration and abstract submissions is 22 March.