Call for abstracts: SSP session at AGU fall meeting
We would like to draw your attention to the below session to be held at the AGU fall meeting focusing on the SSPs. We believe it could be relevant to some of you as a
number of ISI-MIP participants were using the early SSP data to do
applications of the RCP/SSP framework in the ISI-MIP fast-track studies.
Please find further information below.
The New Scenario Framework: Progress and Applications
At the AGU fall meeting (9-13 December, San Fransico) there will be a
session on the SSPs. This session aims at presenting both an overview
of the scenario framework and early applications of the framework to
research in climate change adaptation and mitigation. The deadline for
abstracts submission is 6 August 2013.
More information and options for abstract submission is available at
Session description:
The scientific community is developing a new scenario framework for
integrating a range of possible future climate outcomes (based on the
Representative Concentration Pathways, RCPs) with a set of alternative
pathways of future societal change. This session aims to present the
scenario framework, progress to date on development of the societal
development pathways, integrated assessment model simulations based on
them, and efforts to enhance the relevance of the framework for impact,
adaptation and vulnerability researchers. We will solicit additional
presentations on early applications of the framework in projects such as