Now that the simulation protocol has been sent out, we would like to
make you aware of some developments regarding other aspects of ISI-MIP.
1. Changes to ISI-MIP data-usage conditions
Your simulation data from the ISI-MIP Fast Track is now freely available via the server. The current terms of use
stipulate that the data are only available for non-commercial research
and educational purposes only. This was a condition of the agreement
with the German funding body. However, we received feedback that these
terms could be relaxed to allow for unrestricted use. As a reference,
approximately 70% of data in the CMIP5 archive is subject to similar unrestricted terms of use.
For ISI-MIP2, we will extend the terms of use of the simulation data to
allow access to the data for all interested parties, irrespective of
their status. This means that part a) of the current terms of use for simulation data produced within ISI-MIP will now read:
Should you wish to restrict the usage of your model's results for ISI-MIP2 to non-commercial research and educational purposes only, you need to inform us explicitly via email.
2. Have you received funding for your ISI-MIP activities?
would like to hear from you if you have been successful in securing, or
are in the process of applying for funding that supports your ISI-MIP
simulation activities (even if ISI-MIP is not the core activity for
which funding was applied). Gathering and passing on this information
will help us to learn about potential sources of funding for ISI-MIP
activities in your country, which might then be of help to others in
your country. Furthermore, the German ministry that funds the
coordination team is interested in gauging the level of support for
ISI-MIP internationally. We would greatly appreciate hearing back from
you regarding your fund-finding efforts.
3. Bias-correction code is now freely available
The ISI-MIP bias-correction code is now available for download and use on globally-gridded GCM data from our website. The code implements the method described in Hempel et al., Earth Syst. Dynam., 4, 219-236 (2013)
and ensures that the monthly average trends (e.g. absolute change in
global-mean temperature, relative global trends in precipitation) are
preserved between the original and bias-corrected data. A short ReadMe
document is provided, along with further instructions on how to apply
the code.
4. Publications using ISI-MIP data
A list of publications making use of ISI-MIP simulation data is available on our website. In order to keep this list up to date, we would greatly appreciate your help in making us aware of any missing publications.
As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or comments regarding any aspect of ISI-MIP.
Best wishes,
The ISI-MIP coordination team.
P.S. All emails sent to the ISI-MIP mailing list can be found on our website.