Fast Track data to be removed from DKRZ

Posted on Dec. 20, 2017

Dear ISIMIP community,

we would like to inform you that we will shortly remove all ISIMIP Fast Track data from the DKRZ server. This measure is necessary to free up space for the more recent ISIMIP simulation rounds.

The most up-to-date version of both input and output data from the Fast Track will continue to be available publicly on the ESGF server. A snapshot of the simulation data at the time of publication of the PNAS special issue is available on request.

The Fast Track data will be removed from the DKRZ server on Wednesday, 3 January, 2018. Data from ISIMIP2a and ISIMIP2b will continue to be available on the DKRZ.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Lila & the team.