Future land-use data for ISIMIP2b ready for download

Posted on Oct. 16, 2017

We are delighted to announce that the future land-use data for ISIMIP2b is ready, making it possible to do the Group 3 experiments.

You can now access the following land-use scenario data in the .../ISIMIP2b/InputData/landuse/ folder on the DKRZ server:

  • 1860soc (1860-2005)

  • histsoc (1860-2005)

  • 2005soc (2006-2299)

  • rcp26soc (2006-2099)

  • rcp60soc (2006-2099)

  • 2100rcp26soc (2100-2299)

Please note that the scenarios marked in bold are new data. Versions of these data provided in the past should be replaced by those now available for download.

For each scenario, there are three levels of disaggregation available:

  • Land-use totals: irrigated cropland, non-irrigated cropland, pastures, irrigated bioenergy, non-irrigated bioenergy

  • 5 crops: as above, with cropland divided into C3 annual, C3 nitrogen-fixing, C3 perennial, C4 annual, C4 perennial, and bioenergy divided into C3 perennial (bioenergy trees) and C4 perennial (bioenergy grass)

  • 15 crops: as above, with

    • C3 annual disaggregated into: rapeseed, rice, temperate cereals, temperate roots, tropical roots, sunflower, other C3 annual

    • C3 perennial: (no further disaggregation)

    • C3 nitrogen-fixing disaggregated into: groundnut, pulses, soybean, other C3 nitrogen-fixing

    • C4 annual disaggregated into: maize, tropical cereals

    • C4 perennial: sugarcane

Some important things to note:

  • Urban areas have been provided in a separate file.

  • Bioenergy variables are only available in rcp26soc, rcp60soc and 2100rcp26soc - for historical scenarios they should be assumed to be zero everywhere.

  • We will soon provide a further disaggregation of pastures into managed pastures & rangeland.

  • The future land-use scenarios are GCM specific and should be used in conjunction with the runs based on the corresponding climate data.

Special thanks to Jonas Jägermeyr, Louise Chini, George Hurtt, Sebastian Ostberg & Jan Volkholz for their herculean efforts in preparing these.