Instructions on how to access the ESG mirror

Posted on Sept. 20, 2012

Joshua Elliott has kindly asked us to distribute amongst you the instructions on how to access the ESG mirror for the ISI-MIP data. Please find his message quoted below.

Also, please take a look at the attached slides guiding you through the process of installing the software.

These instructions can also be found for download on our website >> Input data >> Access input data via ANL's Earth System Grid node.

We encourage you to consider this option for the download of input and output data. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.


Hi ISI-MIPers.

As we move firmly into the analysis phase of the ISI-MIP project, I want to bring your attention to an additional data resource for the ISI-MIP archive being housed on the Argonne National Lab node of the Earth Systems Grid (ESG). I talked about this the last day in Reading, but since many people had to leave early, I figured I'd send around these slides. ESG, as many of you know is a common portal for accessing climate data including CMIP3 and CMIP5, so its a very natural place for us to store our climate scenarios and our output data.

Currently the ESG mirror is only accessible via a very efficient transfer protocol and tool called Globus Online/GridFTP. The software is easy to install, the interface is very easy to use to schedule big or small transfers, download speeds regularly run 10-20 Mb/s and sometimes as high as 50 Mb/s depending on your proximity to the servers, and you even receive convenient summary email notifications once your download is complete! I've personally found it extremely useful for my own analysis and efficient enough that I don't even have to store the data files locally (I can download 1000 files at a time as needed in 2 minutes or less).

Anyhow, enough sales pitch. All you really need is the instructions at the following link >> but feel free to take a look at the slides for more details and send me any questions you might have. If you're doing analysis on a network cluster or other machine on which you don't have administrative privileges, the first thing to do is talk to your network administration and ask them to install the Globus Connect client for you, but failing that its also pretty easy to just install the client locally.