ISI-MIP analysis workshop results

Posted on Sept. 11, 2012

1. Data deadline

A deadline of 15 October was set for data to be uploaded to the DKRZ server.  It applies to the minimal setting described in the ISI-MIP protocol. Please try your very best to adhere to this deadline as it is the only way of keeping enough time for writing the multi-model papers. Nevertheless, when you are working on these papers in the coming weeks, please be reminded that data in the database can still change due to updates.

2. Publications

Thanks to all those who submitted new or updated abstracts for the PNAS special issue.  There are plenty of exciting paper ideas, from which a final list will be selected by the editorial committee over the coming days.

There is a very concrete suggestion to initiate a second special issue in the online journal Earth System Dynamics ( Thankfully, Ryan Pavlick and Wolfgang Lucht agreed to co-edit the issue. However, it would be great if there were one or two editors per sector. Volunteers please get in touch with one of the above ( or

If you use data from other groups it is necessary to get in touch with to confirm the status of the data and to discuss the authorship issue with them.

3. Gridded population data set

There is an "ISI-MIP set" of gridded population data based on the national SSP data. Thanks so much to Adrian Tompkins (VECTRI) for providing this! It is a "quick and dirty" scaling of present day GRUMP data using the SSP population data. As official SSP gridded population data won't be available until the end of the year this is the best solution for now. If you need gridded population data for you analysis you should use this new data set. We will provide it soon.

4. Harmonization of regions and plots

We will also send a suggestion for a possible harmonization of papers in the Special Issue in terms of colors, style of maps and regions to be discussed (this would not refer to the level of analysis, but just to the reporting). Even a minimal agreement in terms of colors used for the different RCPs will increase the readability and comparability.

5. ISI-MIP - the future

We do envision a community driven long-term ISI-MIP track. If you have some idea on what should be done and/or where funding could be obtained, this is very welcome. We will think about a framework of communication for this. One focal point for future ISI-MIP activities will be the "Impacts World 2013" conference to be held in Berlin next summer (the final date has not been set yet). The conference will be accompanied by a side event aiming to bring together global and regional modelers and to develop a second phase bridging the scales.