1. Workshop dates
The workshop will take place from September 3-6, 2012 at the University of Reading, UK. Monday, 3 September will begin after lunch and Thursday, 6 September will finish by the early afternoon.
2. How to register
Please register via our website http://isimip.org/.
On the front page on the right hand side you will find a News & Events section, click on the entry "Register for the ISI-MIP Results Workshop September 2012" and please fill in the online registration form.
3. Registration deadline
Registrations should be complete by Monday, 13 August 2012.
3. Workshop venue
The ISI-MIP Results Workshop will be kindly hosted by the Walker Institute at the University of Reading, UK. Maps and directions can be found via the following link:
Given the Walker Institute at the University of Reading is taking care of the workshop logistics, please refer all logistical questions regarding the workshop to:
4. Travel and accommodation
You will be responsible for organizing your own travel to the workshop.
The workshop organizers have arranged for all workshop participants to lodge on site at the University of Reading, so you will not have to take care of booking your own accommodation, this will be booked for you once you register. The organizing team at Reading has negotiated a delegates' package, which means that bed, breakfast and dinner are all included in the delegates rate. The cost for accommodation will therefore be only 55 GBP per person per night.
The following link shows you the rooms:
Nearer the time, we will let you know how payments will be processed and administered.
5. Scope/prelim agenda of the workshop
A draft program for the workshop will be sent out in the near future. There will be a focus on maximizing the time available for modelling teams to collaborate on paper writing. We encourage you to send one representative of your respective modelling group to the workshop to allow for fruitful discussions. However, due to logistical constraints, there is a maximum of 50 participants for the workshop, allowing for no more than 2 participants per modelling team.
Please note that isimip@pik-potsdam.de will remain your first point of contact regarding all content-related questions. If for whatever reason, no members of your modelling team are able to attend the workshop, it would be great to hear from you, so that we can ensure that your modelling results are fully and appropriately incorporated into paper-writing plans.
Of course, we will keep you informed as more details come to hand, and we are very much looking forward to meeting with you all in September.