1. PNAS Special Issue
The editorial committee has finished the process of reviewing the abstracts you submitted for the PNAS special feature with editor John Schellnhuber and guest editors Pavel Kabat and Katja Frieler. We are happy to tell you that 16 excellent ideas were chosen and the corresponding authors were already invited (see attachment). Once again, we would like to thank all of you who submitted an abstract.
2. ESD special issue
Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the ESD Special Issue: The international scientific journal Earth System Dynamics will issue a special feature on ISI-MIP with editor Wolfgang Lucht and guest editors Martina Flörke, Ryan Pavlik and David Lapola. It has already been approved by the ESD editorial board and is posted online:
Submission to this special issue will be possible from 15 Nov 2012 through 31 Dec 2014. Remember however that regardless of the journal, manuscripts will have to be submitted before 31 January 2013 to be included in the AR5 of the IPCC-WGII. We have attached an announcement with the relevant details for potential contributors. This may be another great platform to publish your paper and we encourage you to consider submitting your paper to ESD. Once again we would like to thank Axel Kleidon and Ryan Pavlik for providing this opportunity.
3. New global mean temperature data sets
Furthermore, you can now find a new version of global mean temperature data sets (based on uncorrected 0.5° GCM data) in the directory vre1:/gpfs_750/projects/ISI_MIP/data/global.mean/ on the DKRZ server in Hamburg. The data previously available in this directory were based on an old, incomplete set of HadGEM2-ES climate data; if you had downloaded them already, please replace them with this new version.
It is very important to use these data if you want to describe changes in impacts in terms of global mean temperature change. Using the global average of the bias corrected data is not adequate as the bias corrected data do not include the ocean. As the bias correction was modified to preserve the absolute changes in monthly mean temperatures from the GCMs the global mean temperature data we provide represent a consistent reference axis for the simulated impacts.
Following our protocol global mean warming should be described as temperature change with respect to the mean over the reference period from 1980 to 2010 (where the last 5 to 6 years are taken from RCP4.5). If you plan to use a global mean temperature axis we highly recommend to follow this procedure. In this way we will avoid any confusion in interpreting the changes in impacts at different levels of warming.