Changes to the protocol in comparison to the v0.1 are highlighted in yellow in the revised protocol.
We would like to draw your attention to the following more significant changes:
- An additional chapter (chapter 3) has been added where the scientific motivation for the scenario design is discussed.
- A simulation protocol for permafrost has been added. Seeing as most biomes models and many of the water models should be capable of providing the output required for the permafrost sector, the relevant output variables have also been highlighted in the respective tables. Please note that for those models already participating in the biomes or water sectors, no additional runs, just a few additional variables, are required in order to participate in the permafrost comparison exercise.
- The deadline for submission of the historical validation runs has been extended to 30 November, 2014.
- Some aspects of the crop-modelling scenario setting are still being discussed within the AgMIP-ISI-MIP collaboration. As soon as these discussions are finalised, the remaining scenarios will be announced (both by email and with an updated protocol).
The first- and second-priority historical climate data sets, GSWP3 and Princeton, are now ready to be downloaded from the DKRZ server and the simulating can begin! The other two historical data sets will follow shortly. Further instructions on how to access the data can be found on the website.
The protocol includes all information you will need to perform simulations consistent both within your modelling sector and with other participating sectors. The first six chapters provide essential information for all sectors. This section should be read carefully and in its entirety before beginning with the simulation runs. Chapter 7 is divided into sectors, which are available for separate download. However, since a central goal of ISI-MIP2 is to strengthen the cross-sectoral integration, close attention has been paid to ensuring consistency across the sectoral simulation protocols.
Please report any problems you might identify or refer your questions to both the ISI-MIP coordination team ( and the sectoral coordinators (see table at end of email).
It is unavoidable that over the course of the simulation period, further changes to the protocol will need to be made. For this reason, it is important that you always use the very latest version of the protocol from the ISI-MIP website. Major changes will always be communicated via email and posted on the website.
Finally, we would like to welcome two new members to the ISI-MIP coordination team, Katelin Childers and Andreas Dobler. You will be sure to hear more from them in the future.
Very best wishes,
Katja, Jacob, Lila, Veronika, Franziska, Katelin & Andreas
The ISI-MIP coordination team.