Dear ISIMIP community,
We wish you a Happy New Year!
We would like to draw your attention to the Scenarios Forum 2022 (Laxenburg, Austria, 20-22 June 2022), and in particular to two sessions that are organized in the ISIMIP context:
- Assessing the interactions between climate-change impacts and mitigation using biophysical impact models (Session ID #: 45; Lead organizer(s): Katja Frieler, Christian Otto, Kaj Ivar van der Wijst, Edward Byers, Jacob Schewe)
- Exploring and expanding the cross-border dimensions of the SSPs (Session ID #: 69; Lead organizer(s): Stefan Fronzek; co-organizers: Magnus Benzie, Henrik Carlsen, Timothy Carter, Christopher Reyer)
The call for abstracts is now open until February 14. Please find further information below.
Best greetings,
the ISIMIP coordination team at PIK.
Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures
20-22 June 2022, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
The Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures brings together a diverse set of communities who are using or developing scenarios for use in climate change and sustainability analysis to:
- exchange experiences, ideas, and lessons learned;
- identify opportunities for synergies and collaboration;
- reflect on the use of scenarios; and
- identify knowledge gaps for future research.
The Scenarios Forum is open to anyone using, developing, or interested in scenarios to carry out research or policy analysis related to climate change and sustainability. Abstract submissions are now being accepted (, through 14 February 2022. A call for meeting participation will follow later.
The research community has proposed more than 50 sessions for the Scenarios Forum 2022, to which abstracts can now be submitted. Sessions formats include Research Sessions to which abstracts for research presentations can be submitted, or Workshop Sessions, focusing on discussing a specific topic, to which shorter panel contributions can be submitted.
The Scenario Forum 2022 is presented by the International Committee on New Integrated Climate Change Assessment Scenarios (ICONICS) and is hosted by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).