NOW OPEN: Registration for cross-sectoral ISIMIP and PROCLIAS workshop 2022

Posted by Martin Park on Dec. 22, 2021

Dear ISIMIP community,

We are happy to announce that the registration for the cross-sectoral ISIMIP and PROCLIAS workshop (16-19 May 2022) is now open at

We are planning to have a physical meeting at PIK in Potsdam with the possibility of remote participation in sessions where technically appropriate. Although the pandemic situation in Germany is currently quite dynamic, we assume that it will be possible to host this physical meeting in May 2022. Nevertheless, we may have to turn the workshop into a virtual one. The workshop will include sessions on the following main topics:

  • ISIMIP data and protocols
  • Communication and dissemination of climate impacts
  • Impact attribution and uncertainty assessment
  • Cross-sectoral climate impacts

Within each session, there will be diverse slots for presentations, break-out groups, discussion rounds, etc., and you are welcome to submit contributions to these sessions in the registration form. Moreover, there will be dedicated sectoral meetings, and if the pandemic situation allows, there will be a poster session and some social activities, as well.

Stay tuned for exciting keynotes and please visit the ISIMIP website for a tentative agenda and updates to come.

Happy Christmas and a good turn of the year,
the ISIMIP team @ PIK