We are delighted to inform you that the Focus Issue in
Environmental Research Letters on "Impacts of Extreme Weather and
Climate Events Across Sectors" is now open for submissions.
Those ISIMIP participants who have submitted an abstract for
consideration for the Focus Issue will shortly receive an official
invitation to submit.
Whilst the Focus Issue is targeted at
analyses of the ISIMIP2a impact simulations driven by observed
historical climate data sets, submission is open to all contributions
relevant to the Focus Issue topic. In particular we would welcome
contributions based on empirical observations, to complement the
modelling approaches featured in the planned ISIMIP contributions.
A detailed description of the Focus Issue topic and instructions on how to submit can be found here.
Guest editors for the Focus Issue are:
Katja Frieler (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Franziska Piontek (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Senthold Asseng (University of Florida)
Berit Arheimer (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute)
Anja Rammig (Technische Universität München)
Taikan Oki (The University of Tokyo)
Wolfgang Cramer (Aix Marseille University)
The Focus Issue is open for submissions immediately until 1 November, 2016.
Please feel free to circulate this announcement amongst relevant networks. We look forward to your submissions!
We would also like to remind you of the possibility that submissions to
the journal Global Change Biology (GCB) based on analyses of the
ISIMIP2a simulations will be retrospectively bundled into a special
selection, if a sufficient number of relevant papers are accepted for
publication. If you plan to submit to GCB and would like your paper to
be considered for inclusion in this selection, please don't forget to
email us as soon as possible.