Attached please find an example of the script by Joshua Elliott for downloading and syncing arbitrary sets of files and folders from the ISI-MIP ESG GO archive. The script outputs
harmless error messages when it samples a folder that is not present on
the GO archive.There are detailed instructions for how to use it and
its straightforward and convenient (especially for syncing large subsets
of the output archive).
If you use it, please let Joshua Elliott know what you think and if you have any problems.
04 October 2012: Corrigendum to Visualization of ISI-MIP results including RGB values
We would like to alert you to some inaccuracies in our most recent
email from last week regarding colour coding of the emissions scenarios
for your plots. We would like to apologize for that and thank Philippe
Ciais for noticing it. Below please find the correct colours for RCPs
including RGB values.
- RCP8.5 Red RGB 255 0 0 - hex values: #FF0000
- RCP6.0 Orange RGB 255 130 45 - hex values: #FF822d
- RCP4.5 Light Blue RGB 121 188 255 - hex values: #79BC9B
- RCP2.6 Dark Blue RGB 0 0 255 - hex values: #0000FF
Again, sorry for the confusion and please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions.