Dear ISIMIP-modelers,
after some quiet weeks over summer, we would like to point you to a number of changes that have been done to the ISIMIP3 protocols. Please have a close look at the new protocol.
Changes that have been made to the ISIMIP3 protocols are e.g.:
- time steps of variables have been clarified,
- the fire sector has been added,
- new variables have been added in the biomes sector,
- several variables across sectors have been harmonized (e.g. biome-water),
- population density (number of people per km²) has been added, both for gridded and for national population data.
Furthermore, there is a call for feedback:
please get in touch in case you need any support for finalizing papers for the IPCC deadline 1 November 2020.
You can find some insights in ongoing research from the ISIMIP group at PIK on Climate Signals in River Flood Damages and on The Impacts of Tropical Cyclones and Fluvial Floods on Economic Growth.
Best greetings and take care,
the ISIMIP group @ PIK