ISIMIP2a: suspicious gridded GDP per capita data; new functions in the isimip data repository; Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures

Posted by Martin Park on Nov. 2, 2021

Dear ISIMIP-Followers,

with this email we would like to I) briefly report on suspicious gridded GDP per capita data in ISIMIP2a, II) introduce you to a new feature of the ISIMIP data repository and III) point you to the Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures in Laxenburg.

I) Our PIK Colleague Thomas Vogt made us aware of suspicious GDP per capita data in ISIMIP2a. The GDP and population data sets as provided on the 0.5° grid seem to be fine if inspected individually. However, their ratio shows an unrealistic pattern of lower GDP per capita in more densely populated areas. In case you used gridded GDP data for any ISIMIP2a modeling exercise or related publications there should be no problem. If you used GDP per capita data, please stay tuned about further information. We are currently investigating this inconsistency and will inform you as soon as we have more insights.

II) The previous piece of information is actually an example of what you will receive if you register for the ISIMIP caveats mailing list. This mailing list is connected to the caveats page in the new ISIMIP data repository. Amongst others, the caveat entries there feature description, status, severity, affected data sets and a subscription function. You can also submit a new data caveat, or comment on existing entries.Thus, in case you want to be notified about any future ISIMIP input or output data caveat, please register for the caveats mailing list.

III) We would like to point you to the Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures ( which will take place in Laxenburg, Austria from 20-22 June 2022. The forum brings together a diverse set of communities who are using or developing scenarios for use in climate change and sustainability analysis to:

  • exchange experiences, ideas, and lessons learned;
  • identify opportunities for synergies and collaboration;
  • reflect on the use of scenarios; and
  • identify knowledge gaps for future research.

The call for sessions is still open.

With best greetings from Potsdam,

the ISIMIP coordination team at PIK