We’d like to follow up on progress in the ISIMIP2b simulations. It is great to see that simulation data from three models have already been uploaded, and to have heard from many of you that you are actively working on the simulations.
To keep it short, here are the (revised) upcoming dates and status updates:
Input data for all group 1 & group 2 simulations is now available;
The deadline for submissions of all group 1 & group 2 simulations with all three GCMs is 31 March, 2017, allowing analyses to begin for papers aimed at providing input to the IPCC 1.5°C special report (submissions are due in October, 2017).
Once all input data for the group 3 experiments are ready, we will decide on a feasible deadline for these. Currently the future land-use data is processed by George Hurtt and his group to ensure a smooth transition from historical patterns to future projections. We hope to receive the data by the end of February, maybe even earlier for at least one GCM.
A final step in the quality checks performed on your simulation data will be the completion of the entry for your model in the ISIMIP model database. The database now allows for separate information for each simulation round, allowing for differences between model versions used. You will receive a separate email explaining exactly how this works.
We greatly appreciate your efforts in running the ISIMIP2b simulations, and in ensuring that your model is well documented. If you are having any trouble accessing or editing your model’s entry, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Similarly, if there is anything we can help you with regarding the simulations, we will do our best to do so!