Use of GSWP3 data only within ISI-MIP // No more web access to climate data set download // Old DKRZ accounts to be deactivated

Posted on June 2, 2015

In this email we would like to make a few important announcements relating to climate data access and usage within ISI-MIP.

Use of GSWP3 data only within ISI-MIP
Please note that at this stage, the historical climate data set GSWP3 is only available for the ISI-MIP2.1 simulations.  This is the explicit request of the researchers responsible for the immense amount of work that goes into preparing such a data set.  Once the dataset has been made fully public, this embargo will of course be lifted.  Until then, we ask that you do not distribute the GSWP3 data set to non-ISI-MIP users, and do not use the data set for purposes other than running the ISI-MIP simulations.

No more web access to climate data set download
Since ISI-MIP has been running for over 3 years now and many users of the data have come and gone, we would like to ensure that access to your data on the DKRZ server is indeed limited to participants within the project.  For this reason, we will close the generic web-access account on the DKRZ server with username isimip-users.  Access to the input and output data will now only be possible using your personal DKRZ account.  If you don't have one, please follow the instructions on our website, and contact Matthias Büchner ( in case of problems.

Old DKRZ accounts to be deactivated

You will have received the most recent ISI-MIP news email, which included an updated participating models list.  If your model is not included in this list, we will assume that you are no longer actively participating in the project and therefore no longer require access to the DKRZ server, and will deactivate your DKRZ account from the ISI-MIP user group.  If your model doesn't appear in the list but you indeed are actively participating in ISI-MIP2, or if for some reason you would like to hold onto your account despite no longer participating in ISI-MIP, please get in touch with Matthias Büchner.