We are delighted to announce that the next ISI-MIP workshop will be held in the newly opened research building at PIK, Potsdam on 22-24 June, 2016. We have chosen the date in part to give those of you who will be attending the AgMIP workshop in the following week in France the chance to combine your attendance of the two meetings.
The goals of this workshop will be:
- to discuss the findings of the ISI-MIP2.1a simulation round focusing on the representation of the impacts of extreme events;
- to hear about the studies submitted to the ERL special issue; - to discuss technical aspects of the ISI-MIP2.1b simulations using consistent land-use patterns;
- to discuss and plan the framework for model improvements based on the outcomes of the ISI-MIP2.1a analyses;
- to discuss how ISI-MIP can contribute to the IPCC report on the impacts of 1.5°C warming, as called for in the Paris Climate Agreement.
Similar to the workshop held in March, 2015 in Austria, the program will be a mixture of plenary-style presentations and smaller working groups.
All currently-active ISI-MIP participants, as well as those intending to actively contribute are warmly invited to attend.
There will be no registration fee for this event, but please be aware that at this stage we cannot offer financial support for your attendance .
We will be opening registrations for the event shortly and will publicise this using this email list, as well as on the ISI-MIP website. At this stage we ask you to mark the date in your calendars.