We would like to invite you to the ISIMIP workshop on 9-10 October, 2017, to be held in Potsdam just before the Impacts World 2017 conference. The official registration will follow in a few weeks.
At this stage we would like to invite you to provide input to the planning of the workshop program.
As some of you will know, this ISIMIP workshop will also serve as the kick-off workshop for the European JPI-Climate project ISIpedia (see end of email for more on ISIpedia).
In this context, we would like to include the following elements within the two-day workshop:
Time for a cross-sectoral ISIMIP modellers' meeting, where:
The latest ISIMIP results can be discussed (for which we would solicit abstracts from you, the ISIMIP modellers), new sectors can introduce themselves and discuss future plans, as well as challenges associated with the current simulations can be discussed.
There’s time for sector-specific ISIMIP modellers' meetings.
Face-to-face interactions between ISIMIP modellers and ISIpedia stakeholders, focusing on:
Gathering ideas for future focus topics, ideas for climate-impacts indicators;
Discussions on exchanging the necessary data to facilitate the corresponding simulation activities.
Exchange of experiences on collaborations between modellers and stakeholders.
We are very interested to hear your thoughts on how best to use the time dedicated to the ISIMIP modellers’ meeting, as well as your feedback on how best to structure the ‘face-to-face’ interactions with stakeholders to ensure they are mutually beneficial.
ISIpedia, the selection of the ISIMIP focus topic, and the
development of climate-impacts indicators, will be a
collaboration with relevant stakeholder and user groups, such as
representatives from UNEP, the IPCC and the Red Cross, as well
as representatives of regional organisations. Furthermore, an
internet platform will be established, offering guided access to
the ISIMIP data, including regional syntheses of climate-impacts
based on the ISIMIP data catalogue. Funding for the coordination
of ISIMIP within ISIpedia includes some funding for the
extensive efforts sector coordinators.