The Impacts World2013 conference was held in Potsdam, Germany in May,
2013.The conference proceedings can be downloaded here.
It was a discussion-based conference designed to tackle five
fundamental challenges:
Can we integrate our existing knowledge across sectors?
Climate change will have impacts in a wide range of sectors that
belong to both the natural and the socio-economic sphere. The issue
transcends the traditional research boundaries and creates multiple
cross-disciplinary challenges.
How certain are we?
The utility and credibility of climate impacts research is heavily
reliant on the robustness of impact projections. Uncertainty propagates
from observational data, climate models and socio-economic scenarios,
through to impact and adaptation assessments.
What is still missing?
A comprehensive and systematic gap analysis is needed to identify
mechanisms, sectors and regions which are currently under-researched.
How do we bridge the divide between regional and global impact studies?
Global assessments of climate change impacts are important to inform
the policy making process at international, regional, and local levels.
Therefore, to ensure that research meets the demands of decision-makers
and communities for reliable and timely information, details of climate
impacts must be provided at the appropriate geographic scale. Bridging
the scales between global and regional impact research and models can go
in both directions.
Is anybody listening?
Research provides crucial information to global, regional, national
and local policy makers and practitioners. Research results must be
relevant, intelligible and concise not only for the scientific
community, but also to stakeholders and the wider public. Quantitative
syntheses as well as powerful narratives are crucial.