Water: 5 new ouput variables and clarifications

Posted on Dec. 6, 2016

Five new output variables have been added to the water-sector table 9:

  • total water storage (tws),
  • total actual water consumption (atotuse),
  • total actual water withdrawal (atotww),
  • groundwater runoff (qg),
  • groundwater recharge (qr).
Units and descriptions can be found in Table 9 in the 'Regional & global water' chapter of the protocol.

The definition of the variables surface runoff (qs) and subsurface runoff (qsb) have been added:

  • qs: "Water that leaves the surface layer (top soil layer) e.g. as overland flow / fast runoff"
  • qsb: "Sum of water that flows out from subsurface layer(s) including the groundwater layer (if present). Equals qg in case of a groundwater layer below only one soil layer"