In order to increase the consistency of ISIMIP3 output data between sectors we adjusted the temporal resolution for the following variables:
- gpp, evap, ra, npp, rh, rr, intercep, esoil, trans -> forestry: daily, other: monthly
- soilmoist, sensheatf -> daily if possible, else monthly
- thawdepth -> annual
- lai -> daily else monthly (fixed if static)
If lai is static, the timestep specifier "fixed" can used.
We also updated the spatial resolution for:
- qtot, qs, swe -> water_regional: 0.5° grid if possible, otherwise at gauge location, other: 0.5° grid
- qr, dis, potevap, rootmoist, pirrww, airrww, pirruse, airruse, airrusegreen, pirrusegreen, arainfusegreen -> water_global: 0.5° grid, water_regional: 0.5° grid if possible, otherwise at gauge location
- evap, soilmoist -> forestry: stand, water_regional: 0.5° grid if possible, otherwise at gauge location, other: 0.5° grid
- soil, cveg, cvegag, cvegbg, clitterag, clitterbg, csoil, cproduct, gpp, ra, npp, rh, fapar, lai, intercep, esoil, trans, cleaf, cwood, croot, ccwd, tsl -> forestry: stand, other: 0.5° grid
- rr -> biomes: 0.5° grid, forestry: stand
- sensheatf -> fire: 0.5° grid, forestry: stand