Impact model: JULES-ES-VN6P3


Information for the model JULES-ES-VN6P3 is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Anna Bradley:, UK Met Office (UK)
Andrew Hartley:, UK Met Office (UK)
Additional persons involved: Eleanor Burke (
Basic information
Model Version: 6.3
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Anna Bradley:, UK Met Office (UK)
Andrew Hartley:, UK Met Office (UK)
Additional persons involved: Eleanor Burke (
Output Data
Experiments: (*) counterclim_histsoc_default, obsclim_histsoc_default
Climate Drivers: 20CRV3, 20CRV3-ERA5, 20CRV3-W5E5, GSWP3-W5E5
Date: 2023-08-09
Basic information
Model Version: 6.3
Model Homepage:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5°x0.5°
Vertically resolved: Yes
Number of vertical layers: Soil Layers - 4 (0.1, 0.25, 0.65, 2.0m)
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: daily
Temporal resolution of input data: co2: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: land use/land cover: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: soil: constant
Input data
Observed atmospheric climate data sets used: GSWP3-W5E5 (ISIMIP3a), 20CRv3, 20CRv3-ERA5, 20CRv3-W5E5
Emissions data sets used: Atmospheric composition (ISIMIP3a)
Land use data sets used: Historical, gridded land use
Other human influences data sets used: N-deposition
Additional input data sets: Soil properties - HWSD
Climate variables: huss, sfcWind, tasmax, tas, tasmin, rlds, rsds, ps, pr
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spin-up design: Length of spin up - 1801-1807 (repeating climate (number of times is unknown) until vegetation and soil carbon is stable) CO2 concentration - 1801-1807
Natural Vegetation
Natural vegetation partition: Plant functional types - 9 natural PFTs (tropical broadleaf evergreen trees (BET-Tr), temperate broadleaf evergreen trees (BET-Te), broadleaf deciduous trees (BDT), needleleaf evergreen trees (NET), needleleaf deciduous trees (NDT), C3 grasses (C3G), C4 grasses (C4G), evergreen shrubs (ESh) and deciduous shrubs (DSh)) and 4 managed PFTs (C3 and C4 crop and pasture (C3Cr, C4Cr, C3Pa and C4Pa)).
Natural vegetation dynamics: Height-based competition
Natural vegetation cover dataset: Not prescribed
Soil layers: Soil layers - 4 (thickness = 0.1, 0.25, 0.65, 2.0m)
Management & Adaptation Measures
Management: Land-use (crop and pasture prescribed)
Model set-up specifications
How do you simulate pasture (which pft)?: Pasture (prescribed from the ancillary)