Protocol updates
The ISIMIP2b protocol has been updated to reflect some sector-specific and general changes that have been discussed over the past months. The new version is available on the ISIMIP website. The changes are documented in these entries:
Changes to file-naming conventions (Please note that this renaming may affect your existing scripts. Filenames of already uploaded simulations do not need to be changed/amended - we will make the necessary changes to the file names for you.)
New output variables added to biomes, permafrost & lakes sectors
Correction of output variable names in TRM & biodiversity sectors
Please take a moment to take a look at these changes before running or submitting any new simulations.
New input data available: fertiliser, managed pastures and rangeland
Two new data sets are available as described in the ISIMIP2b simulation protocol:
global gridded fertiliser-application data for the crop types C3 and C4 annual, C3 and C4 perennial and C3 Nitrogen fixing. The data can be found on the DKRZ server in the directory /bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP2b/InputData/n-fertilizer
Further differentiation of the land-use variable total_pastures into managed pastures and rangeland data as described here. The sum of the new variables managed_pastures + rangeland is the total_pastures variable.
New JPI-Climate call ‘Axis’
Attached to this email you will find a preliminary announcement for a Joint Transnational Call from the JPI-Climate (only for European countries at this point) on "Climate Impact Research, Economic Assessment and Pathways to Sustainability". The official call will be opened at the beginning of April, 2018. As you will see, there is a strong overlap with ongoing efforts in ISIMIP and related projects. The pre-registration (first-stage proposals) deadline is June, 2018.
Bias-corrected climate data and open-access code
Since we have received several requests, we have uploaded bias-corrected climate data for RCP4.5 & RCP8.5 for the four GCMs used in ISIMIP2b protocol. The data are available on the DKRZ via the directory /bb0820/ISIMIP/ISIMIP2b/SecondaryInputData/GCM_atmosphere/biascorrected/. Please note that these scenarios are not part of the ISIMIP2b simulation protocol and you are not being asked to run new simulations with these data - they are purely for your enjoyment. These data will also be available publicly soon from the ISIMIP node of the ESG server.
We are also happy to report that the bias-correction code, as used to produce the ISIMIP2b input data, is now available online. Thanks to Stefan Lange for his hard work in developing and publishing the code, and processing the ISIMIP climate data.
Workshops in 2018
We have received a good number applications for paper-writing and related ISIMIP workshops in 2018 - thanks to those who took the time to put the applications together. We will be assessing these over the coming weeks and hope to announce an exciting program of workshops soon.
Output data
You can keep up to date on the available ISIMIP2b output data using the Output Data Table.
Since our last update there is one new output-data caveat:
The issuing of DOIs for the ISIMIP2a data sets is almost complete. You can find a list of the sector-specific DOIs here.