Cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop 2024

The cross-sectoral ISIMIP-PROCLIAS workshop 2024 took place at:

  • PIK, Potsdam (Germany) + remote option
  • April 22 - 26 2024

We had c. 120 on-site participants and further c. 150 online attendees. Thanks so much to all presenters and participants for your contributions and fruitful discussions. You made the event a great success!

Presentations will be posted here, soon, and you can download the group picture in high resolution, the detailed workshop program and the separate program for the FireMIP pre-event.


Workshop agenda

Monday April 22



Side event: FireMIP

(11:00-14:00 h)

Chairs: Stijn Hantson, Chantelle Burton

Welcome and on-going analyses:

  • Overview of ISIMIP3a & FireMIP papers (Chantelle Burton, Seppe Lampe)
  • PM2.5 in ISIMIP3a (Chaeyeon Park)
  • High-latitude fire representations across the latest generation of global models (Matt Kasoar)
  • Discussion on new paper plans with existing runs
  • Fire activity changes from fuel- to moisture-limited along geographic gradients in rainfall within biomes (Riley Wadehra) (online)

Side event: FireMIP

(14:00-18:00 h)

Chairs: Chantelle Burton, Stijn Hantson

Further Analyses and Future Runs (with discussion of the ISIMIP3b future scenario runs)

Break-out groups:

  • Group 1: Discussion on coupling fire in ESMs / CMIP7
  • Group 2: Continued paper discussions
  • Group 3: To be decided on the day

  • Keynote: "From empirical to process-based fire models for DGVMs" (Kirsten Thonicke)

Side event: AgMIP-GGCMI

(14:30-17:00 h)

Chair: Jonas Jägermeyr

Tuesday April 23



Side event: FireMIP

(09.00-13.30 h)

Chair: Matt Forrest, Fang Li

Session: Developments in data, understanding and modelling

  • The FLARE Workshop's Future Directions of Fire Science, and What it Means for Global Fire Modelling. (Douglas Kelly)
  • Enhanced future vegetation growth with elevated carbon dioxide concentrations could increase fire activity (Robert Allen) (virtual)
  • Predicting Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Amazon Rainforest Fires: Fitting and Equations (Sarah Gallup) (virtual)
  • Determination of the Relationship between Thermal Change and Burn Rate in Plant Materials Affected by wildfire Using Hand Held Thermal Camera and Satellite Image (Turgay Dindaroglu)

Session: Fire model development horizons

Side event: FireMIP

(14.30 - 15.30)

Chair: Matt Forrest

Session: Fire model development horizons II and wrap

Sector meeting: Fisheries


Chair: Tyler Eddy

Sector meeting: Lakes

(11.30 - 13.00)

Chair: Wim Thiery

  • Current analysis using ISIMIP data
    • ISIMI koP local lakes sensitivity using LakeEnsemblR
    • Increasing warm-season evaporation rates across European lakes under climate change
  • Current status of the lake sector
  • Discussion
    • Adaptation options
    • Plans for new analyses

Sector meeting: Peat


Chair: Angela Gallego-Sala

  • Peatlands have the potential to emerge as significant contributors to future climate warming (Nitin Chaudary) (virtual)

Sector meeting: Water quality

(14.00 - 17.00)

Chair: Maryna Strokal

Sector meeting: Agriculture

(15.30 - 17.00)

Chair: Jonas Jägermeyr

  • General updates
  • GeoMIP involvement in ISIMIP and upcoming projects with Fisheries and Ag sector contribution
  • GGCMI/ISIMIP 4 initial planning
  • Validation of ISIMIP 3 crop simulations (Cornelia Auer)

Sector meeting: Biomes/PF/Fire/Peat

(16.00 - 17.30)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

Sector meeting: Energy

(17.00 - 19.00)

Chair: Christian Otto

Wednesday April 24



Sector meeting: Fire/Peat

(09.00 - 10.00)

Chair: Stijin Hantson

  • Global Peat Fire Modelling: Opportunities and Challenges (Allan Spessa) (virtual)
  • Fire and Peat discussion

Sector meeting: Water quality

(09.00 - 10.00)

Chair: Maryna Strokal

  • Status update on the process towards Fast track and ISIMIP3 protocols

Opening session

(10.00 - 11.30)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

ISIMIP3a results (“from too dry to too wet”)

(12.00 - 13.30)

Chair: Simon Gosling


Keynote: Brian O'Neill

(14.45 - 16.00)

Chair: Christian Otto


(16.30 - 17.30)

Chair: Franziska Piontek

  • Recap (Katja Frieler)
  • Open discussion with expert panel (Brian O’Neill, Nico Bauer, Bart van den Hurk, Colin Jones/Chris Jones): ISIMIP data needs, IAM capacities, ISIMIP4-Scenarios

Poster Session I

(17.30 - 21.00)

  • Examining the contribution of human induced climate change on global soil moisture drought characteristics (Aris Koutroulis)
  • Graphical representation of global water models participating in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b) (Hannes Müller Schmied)
  • Thirsty sectors: a layered model for managing scarce water resources (Ioan Sabin Taranu)
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on erosion processes near bridges over rivers – data and methodological challenges (Kristina Potočki and Martina lacko)
  • Global warming is projected to lead to increased freshwater growth potential and changes in pace of life in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Adrian Rinaldo)
  • How multi-sectoral climate-related risks could cumulate and affect livestock in West Africa (Audrey Brouillet)
  • Biosphere destabilization in ISIMIP3b scenarios (Fabian Stenzel)
  • Climate impacts on crop losses: Using satellite data and spatial models to foster food security (Shannon de Roos)

Thursday April 25



Sector meeting: Water regional

(10.00 - 11.00)

Chair: Valentina Krysanova

PROCLIAS TG1.2: Automatic quality check / quality assessment of impact model output

(10.00 - 11.00)

Chair: Hannes Müller Schmied

  • Recent developments and use-cases
  • Way forward - discussing of further developments
  • Continuation of the network


(10.00 - 11.00)

Chair: Shouro Dasgupta

  • Impact of heat on labour


(10.00 - 11.00)

Chair: Liliana Zaharia

  • Stakeholder mapping

Early Career Session: Discussions on future research pathways

(10.00 - 11.00)

Chair: Jacob Schewe

  • Cross-sectoral research ideas
  • Catering the demands from the upcoming IPCC AR7 cycle
  • Addressing issues raised at COP28

Poster Session II


  • Climate change impact on wireless communications (Louis-François Pau)
  • Unveiling the Value of Cultural Forest Services: Overcoming Analytical Challenges for Informed Policy Decisions (Melania Michetti)
  • Education and capacity building on climate change and planetary health for healthcare professionals in global context (Muhammed Asaduzzaman)
  • The effect of extreme weather on coastal ecosystems and their services (Sarah Hülsen)
  • Results of the ISIMIP Lake Sector calibration study (Tom Lorimer)
  • Vary me a river: investigating the impacts of climate variability on hydropower and electricity systems planning in Switzerland (Yann Yasser Haddad)
  • Assessing the Risk and Impact of Fire Weather under Different Climate Change Scenarios (Yi-Ling Hwong)

Cross-sectoral presentations and panel discussion

(12.00 - 13.30)

Chair: Maryna Strokal

Cross-sectoral panel discussion

(12.00 - 13.30)

Chair: Jacob Schewe

  • Study prospects

Keynote: Bart van den Hurk

(14.30 - 15.00)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

  • Impact assessments and scenarios in the Seventh IPCC Assessment Cycle: overview of current discussions

Cross-sectoral panel discussion

(15.00 - 16.00)

Chair: Christopher Reyer

  • AR7 demands

Cross-sectoral panel discussion

(16.30 - 17.30)

Chair: Matthias Mengel

  • Impact monitoring

Friday April 26



PROCLIAS TG2.1: State of the art and ways forward for impact attribution

(10.30 - 11.30)

Chair: Veronika Huber


(10.30 - 12.00)

Chair: Albert Nkwasa

  • Paper discussion: “Stakeholder Engagement in Climate Impact Attribution: Opportunities, Challenges, and Pathways to Impact”